Pragna’s Paneer Phool 100 gm.

Pragna’s Paneer Phool is an excellent medicine to keep diabetes under control. It helps to keep insulin in balance and also helps in the treatment of asthma.


Pragna’s Paneer Phool is an excellent medicine to keep diabetes under control. It helps to keep insulin in balance and also helps in the treatment of asthma. Paneer Phool is a fantastic herb for treating respiratory disorders and boosting lung function. It is a natural blood cleanser that balances the body’s Vata dosha. Improves wound healing. It may help with diabetic management, liver function regulation, and weight control.



  • Helps to combat asthma.
  • Aids in controlling blood glucose.
  • Helps to combat blood cholesterol levels.
  • Has anti-inflammatory properties.
  • helps to reduce weight.

Directions of use:

  • Soak 10-15 pcs of Paneer Phool in water overnight.
  • Next morning squeeze out the phool to bring out the extract.
  • Filter it and drink the water on an empty stomach.
  • As directed by your doctor.


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